Ni ravno novica, ker niso objavili na CNN-u itd.
Malo pred novim letom 28 decembra 2009 je umrl pionir iz področja akustike Manfred R. Schroeder.
Med drugim je oče sodobnih difuzorjev.
Seveda je bil strokovnjak na še mnogih področjih in marsikaj še drugega raziskoval...
Manfred Robert Schroeder died on December 28, 2009. I was proud and honored to have known him and been inspired by him. His research in acoustics sparked my interest and my colleague Trevor Cox and I decidated our book on Absorbers and Diffusers to him. In our minds, he was the greatest acoustician of the 20th century, leading the way in a wide variety of diverse fields.
His obituary in Physics Today (April 2010) by Charles Schmid and Gerhard M. Sessler ends with "Everyone who met Manfred experienced his kindness, humor, cheerfulness, and ease of communication. His death is a profound loss to the art of combining mathematics, science, and engineering to create outstanding innovations. His many colleagues, students, and friends all over the world deeply miss him."
Peter D'Antonio
R.I.P. Manfred Robert Schroeder 1926-2010
, jun 05 2010 07:12
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