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Thermionic Culture Limited Edition - Racing Green Fat Bustard

2 odgovorov v tej temi

#1 NLP


    arhitekt spektralnih platform prostora in časa

  • Moderator
  • PipPipPipPipPipPipPip
  • 5 982 prispevkov
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Drugje
  • Interests:NIČ! ... pa malo akustike.<br />Trenutna zaposlitev:<br />arhitekt spektralnih platform prostora in časa

Objavljeno 26 april 2012 - 05:45

Green Bastard - čudovita barva:)

This special edition has been made especially for the purists who want all the features of the Fat Bustard but with a little less colourisation and even lower distortion and noise! This edition will not produce as much harmonic distortion on lower Attitude settings and therefore less distortion on Max Attitude but it still retains all the classic Bustard character. Also the top response now extends to 55KHz+ with consequently less phase shift.

And comes in British racing green, seriously cool!

At the moment it is limited to 50 units and to the UK and mainland Europe.

Več info bo na voljo:

Pripete sličice

  • GreenFatBustard.jpg

Nenad Patkovic

#2 ixi



  • Moderator
  • PipPipPipPipPipPip
  • 3 879 prispevkov
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Grosuplje
  • Interests:Recording&amp;Mixing&amp;Mastering&amp;ostalo kar sodi poleg....:)

Objavljeno 27 april 2012 - 08:19

Je pa grdo,...crn je bolj sexi...

.: IXI ¤ GregA Šmalc ¤ 040/520-486 :.

#3 NLP


    arhitekt spektralnih platform prostora in časa

  • Moderator
  • PipPipPipPipPipPipPip
  • 5 982 prispevkov
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Drugje
  • Interests:NIČ! ... pa malo akustike.<br />Trenutna zaposlitev:<br />arhitekt spektralnih platform prostora in časa

Objavljeno 27 april 2012 - 09:17

Ko šraufaš to makino piješ čaj z jagermaister-om iz tega. Na zdravje:)

Pripete sličice

  • jaeger_3d__24_01668_01.jpg

Nenad Patkovic

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